Global Knot at the Group Exhibition KNOT/KNOOP at the Gallery of University of Stellenbosch

This hangman’s knot was created with seed beads, bugle beads and hand-cut beads. Beads are an inherent part of global innovation and trade, as well as the socio-economic history and development of the African continent. For centuries beads were used (as currency) to barter with Africa, and exchanged for raw materials, such as animals, hides, ivory and traditional artifacts, and even in the slave trade.
Narratives in Cloth - The artist book as symbolic expression of cultural knowledge

THE ARTIST BOOK AS SYMBOLIC EXPRESSION OF CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE - In Africa when an old person dies it is as if a library has burned.” The words of Malian philosopher, Amadou Hampâté Bâ (1900 -1991), struck a deep chord. I have a profound engagement with indigenous knowledge, especially the traditional skills and crafts of cultures of the world.